Collection of christmas window cliparts (3)

Christmas gift box, red bow, clipart, anime, christmas background, white snow, flooded with celestial starry waters, rococo style Marie Antoinette, big glass windows with billowing, floral drapery,

Christmas gift box, red bow, clipart, anime, christmas background, white snow, flooded with celestial starry waters, rococo style Marie Antoinette, big glass windows with billowing, floral drapery,

Christmas gift box, red bow, clipart, anime, christmas background, white snow, flooded with celestial starry waters, rococo style Marie Antoinette, big glass windows with billowing, floral drapery,

Christmas gift box, red bow, clipart, anime, christmas background, white snow, flooded with celestial starry waters, rococo style Marie Antoinette, big glass windows with billowing, floral drapery,

Christmas gift box, red bow, clipart, anime, christmas background, white snow, flooded with celestial starry waters, rococo style Marie Antoinette, big glass windows with billowing, floral drapery,

Christmas gift box, red bow, clipart, anime, christmas background, white snow, flooded with celestial starry waters, rococo style Marie Antoinette, big glass windows with billowing, floral drapery,


Dear users of the clipart-library website, this year marks the 7th anniversary of our website. Thank you all for using our service. Over these years, we have gathered a tremendous amount of your feedback, and we are pleased to share it with you.

Review by Dav***

"I appreciate the wholesome and child-safe clipart available here. It's perfect for my daughter's art projects. Having a 'parental control' option to filter content based on age-appropriateness would be a valuable feature."

Review by Mar*, Elementary School Teacher:**

"I cannot express how valuable this clipart website has been for my classroom resources. The diverse selection of clipart has enhanced my teaching materials, making learning engaging and visually appealing for my students. Thank you for creating such a wonderful resource!"

Review by Lee***

"The clipart on this website has significantly enhanced my middle school classroom materials. The versatility of the images allows for creativity in various subjects. Having a section with historical clipart for social studies lessons would be fantastic!"

Review by Cla*, History Teacher:**

"I have found historically accurate clipart on this website that perfectly complements my history lessons. The attention to detail in the images is commendable. Adding a section with timelines and historical maps integrated with clipart would be incredibly beneficial for history teachers like me."

Review by Joh*, Art Teacher:**

"The artistic quality of the clipart available here is outstanding! I have used these images to inspire my art students, showcasing different styles and techniques. It would be wonderful to have a section highlighting famous artists and art movements, accompanied by relevant clipart for educational purposes."