Milk Cliparts
Milk is a natural, highly nutritious product that includes all the substances necessary to maintain life and body development for a long time (it is separated by the mammary gland during the feeding of the babies).
Milk improves the ratio of the components of the diet. It contains all nutrients necessary for the human body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins) in easily digestible form, while the ratio of nutrients in milk is optimal for satisfying the body's need for them.
Milk has almost all vitamins that are contained in small amounts: fat-soluble - A, D, E; Water soluble - B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, etc.
Milk is a product of normal physiological secretion of the mammary glands of agricultural animals, obtained from one or more animals during lactation with one or more milking.
Milk can be classified according to the characteristics of milk obtained from various animals. Along with the cow, milk can be also obtained from sheep, goats, mares, camels, buffalo, etc., This milk is used for feeding and producing dairy products. Milk of these animals has differences in the quantitative content of basic substances and in the qualitative composition of proteins and fat.
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