Collection of trickeds (6)














Dear users of the clipart-library website, this year marks the 7th anniversary of our website. Thank you all for using our service. Over these years, we have gathered a tremendous amount of your feedback, and we are pleased to share it with you.

Review by Car***

"The clipart here is perfect for my ESL classes. The language-related clipart aids in vocabulary building. Having a section with ESL-specific clipart sets for common phrases and expressions in different languages would be a valuable resource."

Review by Mar***

"I'm in elementary school, and I enjoy using the cute clipart for my class presentations. The website is easy to navigate, and the images are perfect for school projects. Having a 'favorites' feature would be helpful so I can save my preferred clipart for future use."

Review by Mar*, Preschool Teacher:**

"Finding age-appropriate clipart for my preschool classroom used to be a challenge until I discovered this website. The adorable and child-friendly clipart has transformed my teaching materials, capturing the attention of my little learners. It would be fantastic to have a section specifically dedicated to preschool themes!"

Review by Joh***

"As a high school student, I find the clipart here incredibly useful for my creative assignments. The variety of options allows me to express my ideas in unique ways. Adding a section for trendy and modern clipart styles would be really cool!"

Review by Joh***

"This clipart website has made learning fun for my child. The educational clipart aids in visual learning. Implementing a reward system for kids who complete educational activities with clipart could encourage more participation."